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Browse Items (39 total)

  • Tags: suites and skyboxes

Delegates from the first diplomatic mission to Texas by People's Republic of China. Astrodome Skybox Sunday May 19, 1985.

Seth Morris was one of the architects for the Astrodome at the firm of Wilson, Morris, Crain and Anderson. He was also the coordinator of the contractors, architects, engineers and county. In this interview his wife, Susie Morris, shares some of her…

Interior of Astrodome, Nov. 19, 1965

President and Mrs. Johnson watch the Billy Graham crusade with Mrs. Krim and Roy Hofheinz, Nov. 19, 1965

President and Mrs. Johnson, watch the Billy Graham crusade with Mr. and Mrs. Krim and Judge Roy Hofheinz, Nov. 19, 1965

President and Mrs. Johnson watch the Billy Graham crusade, Nov. 19, 1965

President and Mrs. Johnson watch the Billy Graham crusade with Mr. and Mrs. Krim, Nov. 19, 1965

INTERIOR, LOOKING EAST FROM LEVEL 9 SKY BOXES. - Houston Astrodome, 8400 Kirby Drive, Houston, Harris County, TX

Invitation to celebrate the first year of Mike Driscoll as Harris County Attorney. Size and format replicates the cover of Time Magazine.
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